Deep Sea Smashout is an Arkanoid clone based on the characters from the SpongeBob SquarePants television series. This is a game in which you must break the coral reef by making a snail (Gary) bounce off SpongeBob's head and hit the different coral walls. You will control SpongeBob with the cursor movement keys, making him slide from one side of the screen to the other trying not to let Gary fall off the screen bottom. SpongeBob’s snail must remain floating above him, and he must use his head to push Gary upwards at the coral barriers to hit them. Each time Gary hits a coral reef, he will damage the coral wall. Some blocks will disappear after just one hit; others will require more and stronger impacts. When all the blocks disappear, you will advance to the next level.
Some destroyed blocks will release power-ups (or power-downs). By catching them, you will earn extra points, boost Gary's power, grant SpongeBob five shots, enlarge or reduce SpongeBob’s head, speed up or slow down Gary’s movements, or even get an extra life. If you let Gary fall to the seabed, you will lose a life. When all lives are gone, the game will be over.